Meetings, Concerts, Community Service, Campaigning and more!

 LCYD Calendar 


Road Trip!

The bus is full and ready to head to Hollywood, FL to see the Democratic Vice Presidential nominee, Senator John Edwards.

MSNBC has caught wind of our road trip to attend this special fund raising event and will be coming along for the ride. In transit, we'll be watching Out-Foxed, the brand new documentary movie about the Fox News Channel.

We're inviting all of you to stop by and send us off in a blaze of patriotic support for our new Democratic dream ticket of John Kerry and John Edwards! We'll have new Kerry - Edwards campaign buttons to pass out for all who stop by to wish us well. The send off event will happen at 2pm tomorrow (Sunday, 7/18) and we'll hand out free buttons to all who attend. We'll be departing from the Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre at 1380 Colonial Blvd, Fort Myers.

The excitement here in Southwest Florida for this campaign is reaching a fever pitch. Earlier this week, I heard from local Democrat Shaye Prather who forwarded me the following picture and quote........"I really want to attend the fundraiser for John Edwards, not only because he was always my first choice but also because I went to college with him!"

LCYD Appearance on the Lee Pitts Show will be announced soon!